Patricia Ballentine
Sep 1, 2023
Litany of the Real
How do we retain the capacity to recognize what is real? At what cost have we surrendered to what is easy and entertaining?
Of course this is not a call to be reckless. Rather, it is a call to develop our minds and hearts in a way that sparks healthy and passionate actions and thoughts.
If you are:
Exploring tools to support your personal transformation
Seeking inspirational words and images
Desiring community that is encouraging and uplifting
We may have something to offer you!
The Creative Flame is the sacred space within each being through which true inspiration is received and expressed. It is the spark ignited which radiates forth when our own unique expression of imagination and passion aligns with the magic and mystery of our lives.
Imagination can raise us up or tear us down.
It is something that we all have and use everyday. When we anticipate a next step we are imagining what an outcome may be. When we resist taking an action we may be imagining the future will look like the past. The challenge is to imagine the higher turn rather than being held back by imagining the worst.